Layla Grainger


Job Title: Founder, Event Producer

Industry: Consultancy / Events

Services:  Events, Community Engagement, Spatial Strategy




Spatial Design and Strategy • People and Place • Biophilic Design • Community Engagement • Change Management • Events

A background in Graphic Design which later shifted into Workplace Strategy, I spent several years in London working as a Consultant supporting clients to develop and implement sustainable workplace strategies and change programmes that create beautiful spaces, help enhance staff engagement and improve staff wellbeing. I believe that meaningful change can only be created by understanding the relationships between people and space through a highly human-centered approach. I'm interested in spaces that create communities, encourage creativity and break down silos.

Now in York I am also the founder of York Terrariums, which grew from a love of community and a passion for plants. Our mission is to bring people together through experiences that are not only fun and informative, but connect people to nature. We collaborate with local businesses and institutions to support and enhance other initiatives and bring our vision to spaces across Yorkshire.


Ellie Mulligan


Edward Matthews